Keep keeping your customer promise
Does your B2B service company know how to continuously improve your ability to deliver on your customer promise?Time to add some Friktion
We used to be Sense/Make. Now we’re Friktion.Sometimes it just makes sense to change. Reinvent yourself. Pick a new name. Update your style. Move into a new place. So we did.Pick a promise and deliver on it—every time
What is the second most important problem for B2B Service Companies to solve? Weird question, I know, but it got your attention didn't it?Experiments—the key to solving problems in uncertain situations
Facing a problem with no clear solution? In complex environments, the path to success is often unpredictable, and the right direction isn't always obvious from the start. So how...Agile is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution!
When implementing agile, many organizations fall into the trap of thinking it's a magical “cure-all” for every challenge. But here's the reality: Agile can be used to optimize f...6 ways to get your change initiative back on track
In two previous articles, I wrote about “resistance to change” and how it’s just a lazy excuse when change fails. I then took the liberty of pointing out the real reasons why yo...